Mills and Frey Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Grant Subpoena Power to Independent Commission


Governor Janet T. Mills (D) and Attorney General Aaron M. Frey announced yesterday that they have introduced bipartisan emergency legislation to grant the power of subpoena to the Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston last fall.

The bipartisan legislation would authorize the Commission to obtain documents and compel witness testimony as it conducts its work to determine the facts and cirumstances surrounding the October 25, 2023 shootings in Lewiston.

In establishing the INdependent Commission, governor Mills and Attorney General Frey pledged that they would do everything possible to ensure the body had the resources and powers necessary to fully discharge its responsibilities.  In November, the Independent Commission formally requested assistane to obtain subpoena power from the legislature.

“THis legislation which comes at the request of the Independent Commission will ensure that the Commission has the tools it needs to fully and effectively discharge idts critical mission of determining the facts of the tragedy in Lewiston,” said Governor Janet T. Mills and Atorney General Aaron Frey.  “We know that the Legislature shares the goals of understanding the facts in an independent, non-partisan manner are grateful for the bipartisan support of the four legislative leaders and hope the legislature will quickly approve the measure.

The emergency legislation would enable the Independent Commission to issue subpoenas to compel the production of documents and the testimony of witnesses with a majority vote of the body.  In the event that an individual or entity does not comply, the Independent Commission would be permitted to apply to the Maine Superior Court to seek to compel compliance in any state, federal or miliarly court or tribunal.