By Carol McCracken (Post # 722)
The City has announced that Mayor Nicholas Mavodones has signed an Accord along with his Mayoral colleagues across the country that calls for a restoration of civility in public and political discourse. The initiative was suprred by the tragic events of January 8th in Tucson and the national atmosphere of confrontational discourse which is lacking in civility and respect. Mayors from across the cojntry have pledged their commitment to exhibiting personal qualities that are emblematic of a civil society.
The US Conference of Mayors Civility Accord calls for a pledge to key principles including respect the right of all Americans to hold different opinions; avoid rhetroic intended to delegitimaize different views; strive to understand differing perspectives; choose words carefully; speak truthfully and speak out against violence, prejudice and incivility in all their forms whenever and wherever they occur.
editor’s note: Maine citizens can only hope that the Governors will follow the Mayors’ example soon and come-up with a national Accord that Governor LePage will sign!