Gaetz Withdraws from AG Consideration; Hegseth’s Past Under Similar Cloud


Florida Rep, Matt Gaetz Withdrew From Consideration This Morning for AG

Former Congresswoman Lynn Cheney has Been 
the Subject of the Anger of Trump.

The Pink Hats Were a Sign of Womens’ Resistance Following Trump’s First Presidency.

Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has withdrawn from consideration as Attorney General at the Department of Justice it has been announced.  His reason for the withdrawal is that it is an “unfair distraction” from Trump’s transition to President of the US.

According to one cable news source this afternoon the reason was that more negative information was about to come out about Gaetz this afternoon.  That additional information was that the underage girl that Gaetz had sex with has said that the two had a second sexual encounter at the same party.  This news appears to have come as a surprise to many members of Congress.  Trump appeared to be taken by surprise as well because he had no plan B for the replacement of Gaetz.  However, plenty of names are being floated by cable news for his replacement.

It has been reported that at least four Senators would not support the nomination of Matt Gaetz – thus making his confirmation impossible. At this time, those Senators have not gone public – apparently afraid of displeasing Trump and the consequences of his ire..

Gaetz met with many members of Congress yesterday and those meetings did not go well.  He is reported to have said he would not go after Liz Cheney and others of Trump’s perceived political enemies “in his first week” as AG at the Department of Justice.  That last part of his remark concerned many members of Congress.  It’s also been no secret that Gaetz is not liked by his fellow colleagues in Congress.  It’s believed that he has higher ambitions than serviing in Congress.  He probably wants to be the Governor of Florida and this withdrawal could signal the start of that campaign.  Current Governor DeSantis will be term limited, making that position open. Writer Bob Woodward interviewed on cable news this afternoon said that: “Trump likes giiving his middle finger to the American people.”

In a similar situation Peter B. Hegseth who has been selected by Trump to serve as the next Secretary of Defense is under scrutiny for his dubious background.  A 22  page police report has surfaced detailing his sexual assault that happened in room 528 of a Hyatt Hotel in Monterey, California at a conservative conference at which Hegsweth was the keynote speaker.  Hegseth was not charged with a crime, but he was also not exonerated as he claims now.  The last line of the Police Department was that the case be forwarded to the Monterey County AG.  It didnt happen. One member of Congress claims that the investigation into the alleged assault of the woman was abruptly stopped.  This Senator, Richard Blumenthal, of Connecticut, wants to know why that happened. Hegseth was an officer who served in the Arny National Guard which appears to be his only qualification for this highly complicated position.  He has come out against women in combat.

The ongoing War on Women and Minorities appears to be a pre-requisite for a position in the Trump administration..