By a 6 – 3 vote, the conservative US Supreme Court, (SCOTUS), announced today it is restricting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to regulate carbon emissions that cause climate change.
Unfortunately, this action sets the stage for further limitations on the regulatory powers of other agencies as well according to a story by Nina Totenberg, a long-time reporter for the Supreme Court. Ms. Totenberg’s article quoted the Supreme Court that: “any time an agency does something big and new – in this case addressing climate change the regulation is presumptively invalid, unless Congress has specifically authorized regulation in this sphere.”
This decision brought swift and clear rebukes from Maine’s leaders. In a press release issued by Governor Janet T. Mills (D), the first woman governor of Maine and its first woman attorney general, she said:
“This flawed and shortsighted decision is an offense to Maine people. It undermines one of our nation’s signature environmental protecdtions – the Clean Air Act, crafted by Maine’s own Ed Muskie and reauthorized under George Mitchell – and it significantly hinders our country’s ability to tackle the climate crisis in Maine and the nation will pay the price for years to come. Maine people and businesses are feeling the impact of climate change right now, every day and, regardless of this decision, my Administration will continue to take aggressive action to fight this crisis and make our state resililent toits impact. The future of our state, our families and our planet depends on it.”
Not mincing words, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D), chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Environment issued the following statement this morning:
“Instead of empowering the EPA to clean up deadly toxins, this radical Supreme Court has granted another giveaway to corporate pollutors at the expense of human health and the preservation of our communities. Make no mistake. This decision will set us back years in the fight against climate change. Now, instead of Congress passing a law and allowing the Administation the agility and scientific expertise kto implement that law every small regulation will require Congressional approval. The High Court has adopted a deliberate slow down of any effort to stop environmental disaster as floods, fires, drought, smog and contaminated water ravage devastated cities and towns across the US.
Todays decision is one in a series made by a shamelessly partisan Supreme Court which is completely out of step with public opinion. Recent polling found that 74% of voters are concerned about air and water pollution – their communities, including 57% of Republicans. We cannot allow six unelected extremists to overrun our democracy. This decision andDobbs have left no room for ambiguity. We must abolish the filibuster, expand the court, end partisan gerrymandering and eliminate the undemocratic electorate college.”
Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey expressed his dismay about the Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia vs. EPA today in a press release issued by his office this morning. “Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time. Preventing the EPA from regulatory vital aspects of the energy industry through the Clean Air Act, the Supreme Court has removed one of this nation’s biggest tools in our fight against climate change. Despite this loss, my office remains committed to enforcing Maine’s enviromental protection laws to their fullest extent and preserving our natural resources for future generations.”