Maine Lawyers Urge Senators Not to Confirm Kavanaugh to Supreme Court; King Announcing Friday


Poster Distributed at Rally on City Hall Steps Opposed to Confirmation of Kavanaugh.

Don’t Get on my Blacklist!  Just Ask Around Portland!

US Women are Too Smart to Get Involved. Besides, We Don’t Need “Chain Migration”

I Thought These WERE the Smart People!  Oh, Dear.  Now We’ll Try the Gutter, I guess.


Yesterday,  230 Maine attorneys issued a bipartisan letter to Senators Collins and King calling on them to oppose the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  The letter cites Kavanaugh’s threat to a woman’s right to a legal abortion without government interference, his threat to unravel the Affordable Care Act and his extreme partisan background as key reasons for the Senators to vote against his confirmation according to a press release issued yesterday by Ben Gaines of Mainers for Accountable Leadership.

The 230 lawyers hail from across the state; from Woodland to York.  The Republican and Democrat signers include senior partners and junior associates at major Portland law firms, and small town solo practioners, small business owners and corporation in-house counsel from some of Maine’s largest employers, criminal defense lawyers and prosecutors, professors, current and former state legislators, the chairman of the Maine Democratic Party, a member of the Patriotic Millionaires and several Assistant District Attorneys.

The letter, including an enlighting bibliography, said in part:  “Especially at a time when the President, his business, his campaign and his foundation, are subjects of civil criminal investigation and prosecutions in multiple state and federal jurisdictions, some of which unquestionably will end up before the Supreme Court, the appearance of impartiality is as important today as it has ever been,” the letter reads.  “Moreover, in light of recent indictments and the President’s indefensible statements and behavior in Helsinki and upon his return, we respectfully suggest that it is in the best interests of the US to table any nomination to replace Justice Kennedy and set aside the process until Special Council Mueller’s investigation has concluded.”

Yesterday a member of King’s Scarborough staff said that the Senator will be issuing a statement on Friday, August 31st about his position on Kavanaugh.  (What could be so challenging for the indecisive King?) A staff member from the Collins Portland office told this blogger previously that she would make up her mind following the upcoming public hearings that start next Tuesday, September 4th.

The letter was spearheaded by Ben Gaines, an attorney, and treasurer for MFAL.

In a statement issued last month by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) said:  “Brett Kavanaugh is a far-right choice to sit in our nation’s highest court,.  He has an egregious record of undermining a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions from stopping a woman from accessing an abortion to allowing a woman’s boss to deny her birth control coverage……I strongly urge my Senate counterparts not to approve any nominee who was chosen by President Trump until the investigation of  his campaign’s collusion with Russia has concluded.”