Lottery Needed to Pick Food Truck Owners to Occupy Ten Spots off Eastern Promenade


Brian Little Eating His Lunch Purchased From One of the Food Trucks on the Eastern Prom Today.  Food Trucks Will be Relocated by June 15, 2022 According to Interim City Manager West.

Fourteen (14) food truck owners have applied for a spot to operate in a parking lot off the Eastern Promenade according to an email received this morning from the city’s spokeswoman.  The parking lot is off Cutter Street.  Fourteen applicants triggers a city lottery in order to determine which ten (10) will win a coveted space there. according to regulations set up by the city’s interim city manager, West., also a long-time city attorney.

However, details of the lottery such as when and where it will occur are not yet available according to Grondin.  The deadline for food truck owners to apply for the parking lot slots was at 4:30 pm yesterday.  As of this post, the food truck owners have not yet been informed of their application status.  The business licensing department is working on that according to Grondin.

The fourteen food trucks competing for the ten slots via a lottery are as follows:  On A Roll, Bogs Bakery, Mr. Tuna, Falafel Mafia, George’s North Shore, Gelato Fiasco, 88 Donuts, Yv Banh Mi, Cheese the Day, Tacos La Poblinta, Cargo Pizza Company, Twist, Maine Maple Creemee and La Mega.

The location of the food trucks on the Eastern Promenade became controversial because residents of the area complained to city hall about traffic congestion, trash and noise from the generators used by the food trucks.  However, opposition to the relocation has been strong because of the popularity of the food trucks located next to a public park with a childrens’ playground.  The lack of process used by West in a process oriented city has sparked  significant criticism as well.  Supporters of the food trucks remaining on the Eastern Promenade may sign a petition on

One food truck owner acknowledged recently that there are issues on the Eastern Promenade.  But rather than deal with them, the city has opted to trade them for other issues by relocating the trucks off the Eastern Promenade.  That relocation will bring with it more issues to be resolved he said.

Food trucks must be relocated to the park by June 15, 2022 according to the rules set up by West.  According to one city employee, the current plan is for the food trucks to be backed up against the grass curb in the park.  But that plan can always change he said. “After all this is the city of Portland,” he said laughing.  This long-time city employee went on to explain that the city of Portland is hugely understaffed.  He believes that has happened because city workers are seriously under paid.

“The city should have worked on this plan in the fall or winter.  That way all the parties involved would know what’s happening,” said Brian Little, who was enjoying lunch from one of the food trucks on the Eastern Prom today.  “Local government needs to do some research on alternatives.  Maybe requiring a quieter generator, or perhaps limiting the number of hours a day food truck owners can operate would be options the city should consider.  The government has to make hard decisions.  But it needs to be fair to residents and businesses alike.  There is a happy compromise here,” he said.  The city just needs to work to find that place.

“Why not let the food trucks park at the Loring Memorial Park,” said Jennifer Noyes.  “There were options here.  But in its haste the city did not consider them.  There is plenty of land around here to share.  What about limiting the food trucks to the seciton of the Eastern Prom in front of the East End Community School,?” she asked.  School is out of session during the summer months when food trucks are busiest.

Indeed.  No one has ever accused city hall of doing the right thing.

For more background information on the subject, please see post herein dated May 22, 2022.