Lobstermen to Benefit from Federal Relief Program


Lobsters for Sale at a Local Grocery Store.

The US Department of Agriculture announced yesterday that it will prop up Maine lobstermen with a $527. million package intended to offset the loss of markets in China caused by Trumpy’s trade war with China two years ago.

Lobstermen could receive about $50 million in relief.  Individuals will receive up to $250,000. based on landings for 2019.

Two years ago, China placed a 25% tariff on imported lobster, which had a devastating effect on Maine lobstermen – lobster exports to China dropped by 64%.  Last year the tax was increased to 35%.  China had previously been an important market for the lobster industry that Maine had worked hard to cultivate.

Dealers and processors are not included in this relief package.

Please visit post herein dated June 5, 2020 for more information on the effort by Chellie Pingree (D) to rectify this situation.