By Carol McCracken (Post # 675)
Today’s 3rd annual Polar Bear Plunge will be the last one for Brownie Carson, as director of the National Resource Council Maine. Under a warmish sun in moderate temperatures for the last day of 2010, Carson said that next month there will be an annoucement of his successor and that he will continue for a transition period yet to be determined.
Carson said he has no plans for his upcomng retirement, except that he will participate in next year’s Polar Bear Plunge again, although without an official role with the non-profit he has headed for over 20 years. During a group photo, Carson thanked everyone for coming and the dippers for participating. He also expressed a hope that the new Governor of Maine, Paul LePage will not “take any liberties with our environment” during his tenure as Governor.
At least 50 dippers participated in this plunge which was a fundraiser for NRCM – to assist in continuing their war against global warming, although no one was complaining about the moderate weather today. According to Stacie Maines, of NRCM, every year the plunge has grown in dippers as well as in funds raised. She noted that the huge “Lobster Dip” started on the East End Beach in 1989. It’s a benefit for the Special Olympics. The Dip stayed there until it outgrew the location and moved down the coast to Old Orchard Beach.
Don Perry, Cumberland, said: “This is my first dip in Maine. I’ll be back next year. The last dip I was in was in Nashville, TN for the local YMCA. “Next year I’ll be in better condition, though,” he said to his supportive wife and daughter, laughing.
“I keep trying to get my wife, Dana, and dog to dip, but so far no luck,” said Carson. “But I’ll be back. It doesn’t get any better than this!”
Thanks, Carol! Nice post!