Jordan’s Meat Property Developers Schedule Neighborhood Public Meeting; 3/18…


By Carol McCracken (Post # 410)

Developers of the former Jordan Meat’s property at 207-209 Fore Street just announed their plans to host a neighborhood meeting to discuss their plans for a hotel, restaurant and residential condominium development. The developers recently attended a planning board meeting and requested that this development be put on a fast track for development. The reason given was that the lease of Sebago Brew Pub, who will be the complex restaurant, expires next spring. The popular chain would like to make a smooth transition to its new location next spring.

Old Port Hospitality (of NH) will host the meeting at the public market house, upstairs, at 28 Monument Square. The date is Thursday, March 18, 2010 and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm. If you are an apartment building owner with tenants in it, please try to notify your renters of this meeting. All too often, the many renters in the area are not notified about meetings such as these.

Please see post # 409, dated March 10 for more background information on the subject.