Internet Google Presents: “Climate Change and Google’s View of a Clean Energy Planet..10/7


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 293)

The Natural Resources Council of Maine invites you to a 50th anniversary event on Wednesday, October 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Hannaford Hall, at the University of Southern Maine, Portland. 

Dan Reicher, Director of Climate Change and Energy Initiatives at Google, will be the keynote speaker for the Council’s annual meeting.  Google is investing tens of millions of dollars in clean energy technology.  “Along with innovators, companies, and nations around the globe, Google sees an opportunity and urgency for transforming our economy from one running on fossil fuels to one based largely on clean energy.  The technologies and knowo-how are either available or under development, according to Google, and embracing them will create new industries and millions of jobs, cut energy costs, improve national security and reduce the threat of climage change.”

Prior to Mr. Reicher’s talk, there will be a reception starting at 6:30 p.m. with cash bar and at 7:30 p.m. the annual meeting welcome will be given by Brownie Carson, Executive Director of the Council.  

The event is free and open to the public.  Registration is appreciated.  For more information or to register by telephone, please call Joyce Gracie at (207) 430-0128 or visit us at