Int’l. Collaboration Launches Plans for Private Sector Incubator on Portland Waterfront

Pat Arnold, President & CEO of SOLIdg, at Press Conference at Pierce Atwood This Morning

Pat Arnold, President & CEO of Soli DDG, Inc., , at a  Press Conference at Pierce Atwood This Morning.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,196)

“This is our first public call for entrepreneurs.  We are looking for young, energetic people who want to focus on commercialization of new products related to the ocean as a resource,” said Pat Arnold, President & CEO of Soli DG, Inc.,  at a press conference this morning to officially announce plans for a new waterfront incubator – site yet to be announced and currently undergoing negotiations with the Portland’s  Economic Development Director, Greg Mitchell.  That site could be announced by the end of the year, Mitchell said.

Earlier this year, city officials and Governor Paul LePage visited Iceland, where the Iceland Ocean Cluster, led by Thor Sigfusson, is housed. It was a first-hand opportunity to see how a cluster works.  “The goal of the cluster is to create, encourage and spinoff new companies and products with cluster members with the goal of utilizing 100% of materials being harvested from the ocean, while focusing on higher and higher margins,” according to a press release issued by Portland.

Arnold emphasized that this is a private sector incubator and does not rely on federal funds.  He’s already working with eight companies who have indicated interest in such a collaboration and is looking for more all the time.

Jeff Cumming, Executive Director, of Hybrid Marine Technologies, said he was at the press conference to learn more about the plans.  His new company promotes the use of hybrid engines for boats.  “We’d like to see where this goes,” he said.  Cumming is the former executive director of SailMaine on the Portland waterfront.  For more information, please see or email:

“This new business relationship between Eimskip and Portland will help foster additional business relationships for us,” said Greg Mitchell, Director, Economic Development Director for Portland.