House Pro-Choice Caucus Resolves to Combat GOP Attack on Reproductive Freedom


Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Me.) at a Rally in Monument Square, Portland LDast Year.

Members of the House Pro-choice Caucus, have introduced a House Resolution to combat Republican attacks on women’s reproductive freedom.  This effort comes amid a slew of anti-choice bills that the House GOP has brought to the floor outside of regular order according to a press release issued by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree’s (D-Maine) office late last week.

The  Resolution:  1. condems all acts of political violence; 2. condems attacks on health care facilities, health care personnel and patients; 3. Affirms that all people have the freedom to access reproductive health care services and medical advice without ear of violence, itimidation or harassment, and; 4. calls upon the Biden Administration to use all appropriate authorities to uphold public safety, ro protecdt health care facilities and safeguard health care personnel and patients.

House Republicans passed H.R. 26, H. Con Res 3 and were expecdted to take up another H.R. 7 at the tikme of the writing of this press release last week.  Congresswoman Pingree is a long time chamption of reproductive freedom and has cospnsored and helped pass several bills in the House to protect these freedoms.