General Janet T. Mills submitted her first biennial budget to the State Legislature this afternoon. Her proposal fully funds voter-approved Medicaid expansion, creates a Medicaid Reserve Account with contingency funding, invests an additional $126 million in K-12 education and builds progress toward voluntary universal pre-K and a $40,000 minimum teacher salary – all without increasing taxes and while protecting the rainy day fund.
“As Governor my priority has always been to solve our problems – to marshall every sector of government and every private organization, business, and person may come together, identify the challenges we face, and create responsible solutions that improve life for every person in Maine,” said Governor Mills. “This budget honors the demands of Maine people who have voted again and again for more health care, not less; for investments in education and our classrooms, not cuts; for better roads; lower property taxes; treatment for their loved ones suffering from substance use disorder and for a state that believes everybody should have a fair shot at a better life. This budget represents a responsible, pragmatic approach that advances our goals while living within in our means.”
The budget also includes $5.3 million to combat the opioid epidemic, increase in revenue sharing and property tax relief, funding for a Washington County Pre-release Center, 15 new state troopers and sergeants and funding to fill public health nursing vacancies, among other initiatives.
“Make no mistake, we have work to do, but the future of Maine is bright. We will rebuild state government and create one Maine, undivided,” added the Governor.
The Governor will deliver her budget proposal to the State Legislature on Monday, February 11, 2019 at 7:00 pm.