Governor Mills Urges Slow Down in Processing of Right Whale Protections for Maine


Governor Janet T. Millsm (D) Addressing the NationLGovernors Association Summer Meeting in Portland in Mid-July.   She is the First Woman Governor of Maien and Its First Woman AG. .

Earlier this month the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced a scoping period to seek stateholder input on measures to reduce risk to rightr whales that will provide only one opportunity via webinar for public comment.  NOAA also requested that states, including Maine, conduct their own scoping meeting.  By contrast, when scoping meetings on the next phase of rulemaking were held in 2019, NOAA had four meetings in Maine alone.

Yesterday, Governor Mills (D) sent a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo urging her to provide the time and tools necessary for Maine’s lobster industry to make meaningful contributions during the next phase of rulemaking to protect right whales.

The Governor’s letter follows recent decisions by NOAA that will hinder the ability of Maine’s lobster industry to provide critical feedback, likely banning the industry and the coastal comunities that rely on it.

“It is unconscionable for NOAA to hold a single public hearing and a virtual meeting at that,” said Governor Mills.  “As NOAA well knows, effectively reaching an audience of fishermen with challenging schedules absoluely requires in-person meetings and opportunities for commeht.”

Governor Mills also raised concerns about the timing of the scoping period, which overlaps with a critical meeting of NOAA’s own advisory group, the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team (ALWTRT).  As a result, ALWTRT will be unable to use important feedback gathered during the scoping period to inform development of new measures for the fixed gear fisheries, incuding the lobster industry.

“Both the timing of NOAA’s scoping period and the opportunities for public comment are completely insufficient given the potential for extraordinary impacts that are likely to be felt by fishermen and communities up and down the eastern seaboard and especially here in Maine,” Governor Mills wrote.,

Governor Mills (D) also criticized NOAA’s decision to block access to the Decision Support Tool (DST) which is the model the agency uses to determine risk reduction assessment with management measures, until it is peer reviewed. Without access to this tool, there is no way for Maine to provide example measures to the industry to gather their feedback in this scoping period.

“As a result, Maine team members will simply not be able to come prepared to the next ALWRT meeting, roughly in a week from now, with a thoughtfully developed package of management measures to propose,” said Governor Mills.  “NOAA has asked the state for support and collaboration, but precluding access to the DSST runs counter to this stated goal.”

Governor Mills (D) concludes her letter by pushing Secretary Raimondo to extend the scoping period, to hold several in-person meetings in the State of Maine and to restore access to the DST.

“NOAA is asking hardworking men and women to make unimaginable sacrifices, partciularly in fisheries like the Maine lobster fishing industry do not have a documented right whale serious injury or mortality,” said Governor Mills (D). “The consequences of this action are simply too great to proceed in this breakneck pace absent the necessary information.”