Governor Janet T. Mills (D) the first woman governor of Maine and the state’s first woman AG, unveiled a plan to establish an Office of New Americans within Maine’s State Government today in Westbrook
With unemployment at record lows, and economic growth the best in the nation, Maine faces a shortage of workers across regions, professions and skilled levels, especially in critical sections such as health care, education and construction.
Improving how Maine introduces and integrates New Americans into its communities and economy is viewed as one key strategy to addressing the state’s workforce needs, because attracting and retaining new workers is a priority for Maine’s economic future.
Under the plan, the Office of New Americans (ONA) would be charged with “making Maine a home of opportunity for all, by welcoming and supporting immigrants to strengthen Maine’s workforce, enhance the vibrancy of Maine’s communities, and build a strong and inclusive economy,. “The plan calls for an office of four people and the creation of an 19-member advisory council to advise ONA on matters related to the long-term economic and civic integration of immigrants in Maine.”
“Everywhere you look across Maine, there are help wanted signs. We need workforce and New Americans, who want to support themselves and their families, can be one important part of that solution. My Administration will do what we can to ensure that every person can contribute to our economy and successfully enter and stay in our workforce,” said Governor Janet Mills. “As we strengthen our economy by attracting talented people to work in Maine. may this Office help us fully harnass the contributions of New Americans who have chosen to make our state their home.”