Governor Janet T. Mills Statement Honoring Labor Day 2023


Governor Janet T. Mills (D) Appearing on a CNN Television Morning Show During the Governor’s Winter Conference in Washington, DC.  Earliler This Year.

Governor Janet T. Mills, (D), issued the following statement today in honor of Labor Day.  Incidentally, she is the first woman Governor of Maine and the state’s first woman Attorney General.

“Maine’s economy has changed throughout our history, but what has not changed is the character of Maine workers-hard-working, strong-willed people who stood together when they knew things on the job just weren’t right.  For generations, Maine’s workng men and women have stood with leaders, lawmakers and labor advocates to expand the rights of working people, improving the lives and livelihoods of all who call Maine home.  As Governor, I have been proud to sign legislation to greatly enhance protections for Maine workers.  On Labor Day, let us recommit to the philosophy, espoused by the late US Senator Paul Wellstone and at the heart of my administration, that “we’ll all do better when we all do better.”

( is awaiting a similar mesage from  Mayor Snyder or  City Manager West or whoever is Portland’s leader in honor of this important holiday.  As Maine’s largest city, it seems appropriate for whomever is in charge at city hall to issue a statement today. Maybe, just maybe no one is in charge at city hall)