Earlier this week, Governor Janet T. Mills (D) nominated veteran District Court Judge Rick E. Lawrence to serve as an Associae Justice on the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. If confirmed, Judge Lawrence who has served on the District Court for nearly 22 years, would be the first black Maine Supreme Judicial Court Justice according to a press release issued by the Governor’s office on Monday.
Judge Lawrence, 66, graduated from Harvard Law School and received his undergraduae degree from Yale. Prior to his appoinatment to the District Court, Judge Lawrence worked as an attorney at UNUM and as an Associate at Pierce Atwood, Portland. He lives in Portland with his wife and has two adult chldren.
“Judge Lawrence’s extensive legal experience, measured temperment, strong intellect and commitment to upholding the law and adminstering justice impartially make him an exceptional candidate for the Maine Supreme Judicial Court,” said Governor Mills. ‘I am honored to nominate him and believe his service on our highest court will greatly benefit the people of Maine.”
“I am deeply honored by Governor Mills’ nomination to serve on the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, a nomination that comes with formidable responsibility and unparalled opportunity to serve the people of our great state,” said Judge Lawrence. “If confirmed by the Legislature, I promise to work tirelessly to serve the people of Maine and to administer justice fairly and impartially to the people of Maine, just as they deserve.”
Judge Lawrence is the Governor’s fourth nomination to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court since taking office. All were unanimously confirmed by the State Legislature.