Markos Miller, co-chair of the Franklin Art. Study Group
By Carol McCracken (Post # 327)
The long-anticipated Report of the Fanklin Study Group is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for acceptance Monday evening, November 16, said Markos Miller, co-chair of the group in an email. “It is our hope that the work of the community and the study commiteee is properly understood and lays a solid foundation for the discussions and analysis that will follow. Your support of the study process and findings will help contribute to the success of the work to come,” he added.
The Report provides for three different alternatives that would address certain issues the study group, with input from the community, flagged as needing an overhaul to make the best use of this property in the future – when the funding is available to carry out the Report.
In the meantime, the study group along with its consultant, Lucy Gibson, have identified some improvements that could be implemented in the short term:
(1) Reduce speed limit to 30 mph to increase capacity and safety,
(2) Coordinate traffic signals to improve traffic flow,
(3) Create left hand turn lanes where needed to reduce traffic conflicts,
(4) Restrict certain left hand turn movements to enhance traffic flow,
(5) Improve intersection functionality using a variety of technology options and
(6) Establish safe crossings where needed and through intersection redesign to improve pedestrian safety.
“The Committee is grateful for the opportunity to bring these possible solutions forward and to contribute to the public discourse of transportation and land-use planning in our city,” Markos said.