The Newcastle Hoestead of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins Has Been Nominated to be Named a Natioal Monument With the Support of Many Maine Groups. The Homestead is 57 acres along the D amariscotta River in Newcastle. The Non-profit was Founded in 2009.

The Frances Perkins Center, Located on the River Road, in Newcastle. She was Born in Massachusetts But Later in Life Adopted The Family Homestead as Her Primary Residence.

“The Woman Behind the New Deal,” by Kirstin Downey, is MUST READ for All Interested in the Life and Legacy of Frances Perkins. Until a Few Years Agp, it was Home to Her Grandson Who Has Been the Driving Force to see it as a Historic Landmark.
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D) led 42 members of Congress in urging President Joe Biden to designate the Frances Perkins Homestead on the River Road, in Newcastle as a National Monument.
“Frances Perkins who made her home in Maine, was a trailblazer, the first female presidential cabinet member, the mother of the modern labor movement and a pioneering advocate for social justice, economic security and labor rights,” the members wrote to President Joe Biden recently.
The letter to the President continued: “By desIgnating the Frances Perkins Homestead a National Historic Landmark as a National Monument, more people will learn about the incredible woman and about the power of government to be a force for good,”…”’Frances Perkins is a beacon for our better selves and the progress that can be made when the good of the people comes first. A National Monument is a fitting tribute to such ideas and to Frances Perkins who helped to turn them into action.”
This blogger has written extensively over the years about Frances Perkins, her legacy and her family’s homestead on the River Road, in Newcastle.
For more background, please visit the follwoing posts: June 22, 2024, August 25, 2024, October 8 2023, October 30, 2018, July 14, 2021, September 8, 2020, August 13, 2017, March 25, 27 and 28, 2011.
(The last three posts describe the controversy during the former Governor Paul LePage (R) administration in which he sought to have a mural remmoved from the Department of Labor, in Augusta. in which Secretary Perkins was depicted.)