“We weren’t looking for a retail space, but it just sort of popped up and it worked out,” said Ben Ray, owner of “Evangeline,” a new business that plans on taking occupancy in the “Black Boxes” at 93 Washington Avenue. After upcoming city inspections, Ray and his wife, Ali Malone. expect to open up their textile business in the next several weeks. Ray, a veteran of the textile industry, designs stunning blankets and throws. They are made from cotton, alpaca and merino wool – the latter coming from Australia. They are sold across the country in 100 boutiques. This new retail space will be an extension of their brand said Ray today. It will also be used as a mini art gallery with Tim Wilson being the first artist to show there.
The name of this eight month old business, obviously, comes from Henry W. Longfellow’s poem – Evageline – a favorite poem of Ray, a Maine native. The hours and days are yet to be determined. For more information, please email Ben Ray at: ben@evangelinelinens.com
Likewise, other black box renters are preparing for the opening day as well – expected to come in several weeks. They include the owners, Mary Chapman and Will Sissle of The Cheese Shop and an expresso coffee bar.
Please visit posts herein dated August 13, 2018 and March 18, 2018 for more background information on the ‘black boxes” on Washington Avenue.