East End Commuity School Holds Second Annual Celebration for Crossing Guard June 1st


East End Community School, North Street, on Munjoy Hill.

A celebration for beloved crossing guard Danny Lowe at East End Community School, North Street, is being planned for Thursday, June 1st.  Lowe, a young man with autism, has dedicated himself to helping students get safely across the intersections of North and Walnut Streets since 2014.

The School celebrated Lowe on June 1, 2022 and now the second annual “Danny Day” celebration will take place on that same date this year, from 7:00 am – 7:45 am.

First, however, students and families will gather in the afternoon of Wednesday, May 31, from 2:00 pm – to 3:00 pm to decorate the intersection with sidewalk              chalk drawings and signs acknowledging the school community’s appreciation of Lowe’s commitment to the safety of students.  The next day, when Lowe arrives for his morning shift, he will be greeted by the decorations and students and families celebrating him with balloons, bubbles, signs and cards, as well as with Disney music (his favorite) on a portable speaker.