Drug Overdose Prevention to be Subject of Community Panel


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,320)

The Overdose Prevention Project will be hosting a community conversation titled:  Opiates/Heroin:  A Conversation.  Bringing the Community Together, Understanding the Problem, Looking Toward the Future.  The project is comprised of law enforcement officials, medical and social service providers and recovery community members and the City of Portland, Public Heatlh Division.  This conversation will focus on the challenges of opiates and heroin in our community.  This event is modeled after similar successful conversations in York County.

The conversation is to be held on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at the University of New England’s Luidcke Auditorium, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland.


The eent is free to the public.  For additional information contact Christopher Corson at 756-8116.