Deering Residents Hit by Spike in Burglaries – May be Related


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,555)

An unusual spike in residential burglaries has occurred in the Deering section of Portland over the weekends of October 8th and 15th according to a press release issued by the Portland Police Department this afternoon.

Seven homes have been entered and belongings stolen.  They are located on Florida Avenue, Virginia Street, Alpine Road, Brook Road, Edwards Street and Bartlett Street.  The homes were locked but doors and ground floor windows wee forced open.  the homes were ransacked with loose change and prescription medications stolen.

Because of similarities on how the crimes were committed, we are concerned that they may be related.  Additional police patrols have been added to these neighborhoods.  The community can assist us by calling 911 and reporting any suspicious behavior immediately.  To guard against your home being burglarized we suggest leaving a light on  and telling a neighbor when you are going away.  Have someone check your home, pick-up mail and newspapers and bring in trash and recycling containers.