By Carol McCracken (Post # 670)
Because of the anticipated snow storm in Portland, the city manager, Joe Gray, has called for a delay in enforcement of the city’ sidewalk snow clearing ordinance. Residents now will have seventy-two hours after the city has completed its snow clearing operations for the storm to remove snow from the sidewalks abutting their property. The news release goes on to say that “commercial property owners will have sixty hours.
“I understand that residents are struggling as much as the city is with the large amounts of snow we have received this winter,” stated Gray. “Hopefully the extra time will give residents a chance to clear their sidewalk safely allowing for the travel of school children, mail carriers and pedestrains, young and old.”
For Portland residents, two five gallon buckets of a sand and salt mix are available at the Deering Oaks parking lot adjacent to State Street behind the Castle in the Park. Residents and visitors can sign up to receive notices of citywide parking bans electronically at Click on parking ban.