By Carol McCracken (Post # 1,245)
It has become obvious to us (Creative Portland) that finding and keeping artists space in Portland is a problem. Since 2006 there has been a need for artists space. They exit Portland to go to lower cost spaces Thomas E. Blackburn told the Portland Downtown Corporation this afternoon. Blackburn, representing Creative Space, petitioned the PDC for $30,000 to gain site control of two properties to be converted into artists’ spaces and adaptive reuse of a third property for the same purpose.
Earlier this month, Creative Portland voted in support of Blackburn’s proposal to establish Creative Space. “CS” was created when it became clear that “CP’ was too cumbersome to react when properties became available that would suit artists’ needs. CP also requires transparency that CS does not require. Such negotiations need to be conducted in private according to Blackburn.
The PDC, however, decided to table the grant until Blackburn can provide more details about purchase prices and other information. (The three properties under consideration remain unidentified at this time.) An artist survey financed by PDC for CP is in the works, but will not be completed until after Thanksgiving. Jack Lufkin, chair of PDC, was intent on seeing the results of that survey before committing the $30,000 for the project.
The next meeting of the Portland Downtown Corporation is November 15, 2012 at which time the disposition of the $30,000. grant money will be decided.
Please visit Post # 1,237, dated October 14, for more background information on the subject.