Council Supports State of Emergency Declaration Adding Beds to Homeless Shelter


Gregory Watson was Confirmed as Portand’s Housing & Economic Deveopment Director Last Night. He Replaces Greg Mitchell Who Resigned in June of 2021.


A Well-Attended Vigil Was Held Prior to the Meeting in Support of the “Stop the Sweeps” Amendment to Portland City Code to be Voted on November 20th..

By a vote of 6 – 2, City Councilors voted to support an order that declares a limited emergency adding 50 beds to the Homeless Service Center, at 654 Riverside Street.   The two voting against the measure were Councilors Pelletier and Trevorrow.

Last night’s vote was the third vote on the matter with the first two having failed to pass.  On October 16, Councilor Regina Phillips, requested that the matter be placed on the October 16th agenda.  . At that meeting the motion failed in a tie – 4 – 4.  That required  inclulsion on the November 13th agenda. Mayot-elect Dion voted against the measure in the past.  However, this time he voted in favor of it because he now represents a larger constituency than previoiusly.

Representing The Glickman Foundation was Glenn Cummings CEO/President at the City Council meeting last night. The Foundation appropriated a $100,000 grant in support of the expansion of the National Helpers Program, administered by the city’s Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO).  The grant will fund the Program’s expansion from a four-day training to a four-month fellowship, covering costs related to operations, continued education and cohort networking events. The Program relies heavily on a partnership between the City and community leaders to help connect minority communities to resources in order to achieve a working, sustainable lifestyle in Portland.

A proposed amendment to the Portland City Code proposed by Councilors Anna Trevorrow and Roberto Rodriguez received its required first read to the Council.  It would temporarily end the city’s camping ban through April, eliminating the cruel and life threatening sweeps during that time that have generated multiple rallies in front of city hall recently.

For more background information on the negative health effects of “sweeps” on the homeless, please visit post herein dated November 8, 2023.

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