City Roasted for Inaction over April 1 Neo-Nazi Rally by the Marginalized


Don Marietta was Critical of the Inactiion of the Portland Police Department Tonight Saying This Invites  Hate Crimes Without Consequences.

Part of the Protest That Took Place in Front of City Hall April 1st.   Unfortunately, Mayor Snyder Made No Comment on the Violence in Portland Streets.

A Band Played at a Huge Rally in Front of City Hall Prior to the City Council Meeting.

“In the last few years we’ve  been PLAYING at being progressive, rather than BEING progressive, I am sad we elected a progressive council.  We need bold actions,” said Katherine during the public comment time that started at 5:00 pm this evening at city hall chambers.  Bold actions are beyond the skill level or interest of the current city leaders claims this blogger.

Katherine was one of the countless speakers at city hall protesting the inaction of the Portland Police Department and the city council against a Neo-Nazi rally that happened in the streets of Portland on April 1, 2023.  Still going on at 7:00 pm, this blogger left city council chambers – fed up with the inaction of the city council, the interim city manager Danielle West, Mayor Kate Snyder and the Portland Police Department in the face of a violent Neo-Nazi rally for which none of them were held accountable.

“..the fact that people with white skin, covered faces, no identification, all-black clothing, who were heiling HItler, calling people walking by the n-word, physically assaulting them…….IS a racal justice issue,” said Sanchita Mukherjee, Racial Justice Co-chair of the Maine Trial Lawyers Association.

Mukherjee also told the city council, mayor and Interim City Manager that “Police officers took no information and Cumberland County DA Jackie Sartoris stated “…that they could have charged had police questioned the group and taken statements.  …..Let me reiterate the fact that Portland PD took NO extra steps to understanding who was part of this violence is racist.”

Don Marietta, told the Portland City Council that the “Portland Police Department has created the impression that Portland, Maine is a place where you can count on hate crimes without consequences.”  Audrey Montalvo said that “it is despicablle that we are in 2023 and the police are still acting like it’s the 1970s..” Another speaker whose name didn’t hear said:  “The Mayor is complicit in giving Police permission to inaction.”  He urged the city to “take the money away from the cops and reassign it to the East End Community School” because it will be “flooded” with students of the newly arrived asylum seekers in Portland.  Ron said:  “This is not a matter of free speech, it’s a matter of safety.  They are here to eradicate the historically marginalized.”

Olivia said that “Portland is an accepting community.”  But she wondered for whom is it accepting?  The City “rolls up the red carpet for landlords and not tenants.  You make sure that the marginalized people cannot live here.”  Peter McLaughlin urged a “full public review of the April 1 incident because the police cannot police themselves.”  Some speakers refused to give their names and/or addresses because of fear of retribution by this group.

Portland has long touted itself a welcoming city which appears to be a misleading tout.  Because, no one bothered to pass that tout along to the current Mayor Kate Snyder. the Interim City Manager West and the City Council.  They are paralyzed in the face of what to do.  We are supposed to take a leadership role here?  Who knew?  We thought just being progressive was enough.  Wrong!  There is a responsibility that goes with that title and your position as city leaders.  Oh, really?

This blogger has long been critical of Mayor Kate for not using her large platform to espouse her values and those of the city.  This blogger finally decided sometime ago she has no values.  Trump like; “There are good people on both sides of the chaos?” This inaction by the city is an example of her lack of leadership.  It has come home to roost, finally.  The good news is that Mayor Kate won’t be running for re-election.

A l/2 hour press conference was held at Portland Police Headquarters on Middle Street prior to the City Hall Meeting at 5:00 pm.  Several speakers addressed the crowd asking that the officer in charge on April 1 be fined for his inaction if not fired for his handling of the situation.

Please visit post herein dated April 1 2023 for a brief statement issued by the Portland Police Department that does not begin to adequately describe the “incident” that day.