City Receives Application for New Medical Clinic on Western Waterfront


The Va. Clinic on the East End of Portland Will be Relocated to West Commercial Street

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Jonathan Cohen, King of Commercial Glass Sales in Portland, at a Recent Planning Board Meeting on the Mercy Hospital Expansion Plan to Expand its Campus to the Fore River Parkway.

The city of Portland announced today it has received an application from the US Department of Veterans Affairs to facilitate the development of a two-story medical center at 113 Western Commercial Street.  It includes a 62,000 sq. foot clinic and a 382-space covered parking garage. The new clinic will replace the VA clinic currently located at 144 Fore Street on the east end of Portland.

The 8,40-acre  site is located across from the Canal Landing Boat maintenance facility and the Star Match Building complex is located east of the site.

The current location of the VA Outpatient Clinic is owned by Jonathan Cohen.  He developed the nearby WEX headquarters on the waterfront, and is the developer for the largely glass parking garage also nearby.  Cohen and his business partner Joe Soley, 89, are the owners of the Falmouth Shopping Center.  They have made some unpopular decisions pertaining to tenants in the Shopping Center.

Furthermore, a proposal of Cohen’s to change the zoning to support a major expansion of the Shopping Center in his hometown fell short of the Town Council’s approval.

Please visit post herein dated August 21, 2017 for more background information on the subject.