City Issues RFP for Concession Operations @ Various Park Locations


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,769)

The City of Portland has issued a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) looking for qualified vendors to provide concessions operations through the use of food trucks and push carts at seven locations throughout the city.  The locations include:  Back Cove Trail, Congress Square Plaza. Deering Oaks Park parking lot,  Western Promenade and the Kiwanis Pool parking lots.  The push cart locations include East End Beach, Lincoln Park, Kiwanis Park parking lot and the Western Promenade. The exact locations for carts and trucks will be determined by site visits with city representative upon awarding of any contract.  It is the intent of the city to have vendors offer to the public a variety of food products at reasonable costs.

The sealed proposals will be received at city hall, 389 Congress Street in the Purchasing Office, Room 103, until 3:00 pm. Wednesday, May 21 2014 at which time they will be publicly opened.

Copies of the RFPs  are available at the Purchasing Office or by contacting Jim Lobley at (207) 874-8654 or via email at