A Dry River Bed in the White Mountains of New Hampshire – A Favorite Photo Taken by This Blogger Last Fall.
City hall and other city buildings will be closed tomorrow Thursday, January 4 in anticipation of the blizzard that is expected to hit the area. The city has also called for a city-wide parking ban for tomorrow, Thursday, January 4, 2018 beginning at 10:00 pm – through 6:00 pm. Vehicles left on the streets after 10:00 pm tomorrow evening will be towed at the owners’ expense.
The forecast calls for between 8 – 12 inches of snow to fall on the area tomorrow. Snow is expected to start during tomorrow’s morning commute with heavy snow and strong winds mid-day through the evening. People should be prepared for the possibility of scattered power outages. There will be no garbage pick-up tomorrow to allow crews to assist in snow clearance.
Extreme temperatures are expected to return following the storm tomorrow. In the event of burst pipes or no heat, please call 207 – 874-8575 for assistance. Please call 207 – 8493 for Public Works Customer Service. (Number in operation 24 hours a day during winter.)