By Carol McCracken (Post # 610)
The city has announced its schedule for flu prevention clinics for residents of the Greater Portland area. The seasonal flu vaccine will be available for $10. or at no cost for individuals with a Medicare Part B card. All types of insurance including MaineCare will be accepted. Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine will also be available for $45 or free for people with MaineCare. The clinics are open to adults, eighteen and older.
Although innumization is recommended for everyone, groups at especially high risk of seasonal influenza and its complications include: those over 50, those with chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, those in long-term care or institutional settings, health care workers, caregivers and household conacts of those at high risk; and young children age 6 months and up.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, there will be a clinic from 11 am – 3 pm in the State of Maine Room, City Hall, 389 Congress Street.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, there will be a second clinic from 11 am – 3 pm in the State of Maine Room, City Hall, 389 Congress Street.
For information on the other six flu clinics available in Portland, please call the city’s flu hotline at 207-874-8946.