Biden Reclaims National Lead Following Exit of Two Rivals According to New Poll


A poll o

The Current Cover of THE ECONOMIST Magazine Depicts a Voters Worst Nightmare: Two Con Artists Making Promises Neither Can Keep!

961 Democratic primary voters showed an increase in support for former Vice President Joe Biden according to a new poll. The poll was taken from Monday afternoon until this morning at 9:30 am.  It was conducted by the Washington, D.C. based Morning Consult (MC).

This is the only poll reflecting the current state of the race following the exists of Buttigieg and Klabuchar yesterday.  Both threw their support to Biden following their exists.

Thirty six (36) percent of the 961 polled said they’d vote for Biden if the primary or caucus were held in their state today.  The latest figure, which has a margin of error of four (4) percent points, marks his highest share of nationwide support since June and is up ten (10) points from polling conducted Sunday after his big victory in the South Carolina primary.

The policy was conducted after former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klabuchar ended their bids and as they announced their support for Biden’s nomination.