The Parking Garage Into Which the Robber Appeared to Disappear After Robbing the Bank of America, Was Searched. He Was Not Found.
By Carol McCracke (Post # 2,329)
Around noon today, a slender, black man walked into the Bank of America at One City Center and robbed the clerk – at gunpoint. He was seen to leave the Bank and enter the parking garage across the street. About ten police offers spent several hours with a dog looking for him before declaring the building clear just before 2:00 pm this afternoon. The talk was that he had slipped through the building to a getaway car on the other side. According to Lt. Gary Rogers at a press conference this afternoon, it was a late model red Ford or Mercury sedan. There were two men in the car.
Meanwhile, at 8:55 am at CPort Credit Union 285 Forest Avenue, another robbery, at gunpoint occurred. The description of this robber matched the robber at Bank of America so Lt. Gary Rogers said it is believed they are related.
On May 26th TruChoice Federal Credit Union was robbed at gunpoint as was University Credit Union on May 14th. The physical description of the robber matches the one of the robber in both of todays actions. (TruChoice announced a reward of $5,000. for information leading to the arrest and successful prosectuion of individuals responsible.)
A fuller description was that he is about 6 ft. 1 in. tall, in his 20s or 30s and wore a tan bucket style hat with lime green trim band.
Stephanie Beattie, entered One City Center to conduct a class at the Bay Club. She saw a man looking “suspicious” she said. He was wearing a hoodie and in 70 degree weather and trying hard to keep it from falling off while jogging out of the building toward the parking garage shown above. She was interviewed by the Police Department. (See photo below.)
“There is a pattern that concerns us,” said Lt. Gary Rogers, at a press conference at Police Headquarters on Middle Street. “This was a desperate act by a desperate person.”
If you have any information on these robberies, please call 874-8575.