Back Cove Clean-up & After Party Sponsored by Luke’s Lobster, Et Al Saturday

The Site of the New Luke’s Lobsters on Portland Pier. It’s the Former Home of Pete McAleney of New Meadows Lobsters. He Sold the Business in 2014. The Building Needed Extensive Rehab.

A community cleanup of Back Cove has been scheduled for Saturday, May 11th by Luke’s Lobster in collaboration with longtime partners Allagash Brewing and Friends of Casco Bay. The sign-in is at 9:00 am – 9:30 am at the Back Cove Parking Lot across from the Forest Avenue Hannaford Brothers. You will receive equipment that you may need at that time. There will be an after party at 60 Portland Pier, (off Commercial Street) between 12:30 – 2:00 pm – the new site of Luke’s Restaurant that will open in June 2019. Food and drinks will be provided during that time.

The Back Cove cleanup is part of a wider partnership between Luke’s and Allagash to protest oceans and raise awareness for The Keeper Fund (“TKF”) a charitable initiative founded in 2018 by Luke’s Lobster and the Ocean Foundation. The purpose of TKF is to invest in projects that spur environmentally friendly economic initiatives along the coast and keep our oceans and waterways clean. Last year, TKF made a contribution to the Island Institute in Rockland to further research on the potential for kelp aquaculture to act as a carbon sink. This year, starting on Earth Day Luke’s Lobster and Allagash will donate $1 to The Keeper Fund for every Allagash White sold at Luke’s, up to $`10,000. To date, The Keeper Fund has donated over $18,000 in grants and in kind donations to support aquaculture-related research and other coastal projects within and outside of Maine.

Friends of Casco Bay is One of the Collaborators for the May 11th Clean-up.

“We are always looking for win-win partnerships,” said Luke Holden, CEO and Founder of Luke’s Lobster. “Working with Allagash on TKF and teaming up with Friends of Casco Bay to keep our waters healthy, represents the type of long-term collaboration that can move the needle here in Maine and we’re excited to kick off the opening of our Portland restaurant by helping clean-up Casco Bay,” Luke concluded.

But back to the Saturday, May 11 clean-up. There is a limit of 60 participants for the event. So, if you are interested in participating, please register soon here: