Another Reason Not to Vote for Collins on November 3rd


Borrowed from “Americans Against Republicans” on-line. Check it out!

Borrowed From “Americans Against Republicans” On-line. Check it out for a few laughs or tears.  (It’s Been Said That Trump Does Not Consider Putin a Threat and Has An “Affinity” for Putin).

By Marie Follayttar, Mainers for Accountable Leadership.

Last night President Trump again took action to end the Affordable Care Act, (ACA).

He led an attack against the health of all people in this country last night by filing to dismantle the ACA during a pandemic.  Ironically, yesterday marked the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the south and southwestern US since April.  This act of cruelty shows a complete disregard for the health and well being of the American people Trump is elected to represent.

Collins voted against the ACA over ten times and signed on to a brief arguing that if the individual mandate was killed the ACA should be struck down.  Collins voted for the tax scam, repealed the individual mandate and was a vote to repeal the ACA.  Any strongly worded statements are too late.  Collins had 24 years to work on protecting the health care for people with pre-existing conditions and did nothing.

And don’t forget her vote for Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  Collins argued that women who have been sexually assaulted don’t remember who their attackers are.  OH?

Where is The Republican Press Herald on this?  We know.  Avoiding the subject altogether.

` note:  “The case is likely to be argued this fall during the closing stages of a bitter presidential election in which health care is certain to be a galvanizing issue.  Joseph R. Biden, Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee, continues to support improving and expanding the ACA with an option to buy a public plan, rather than replacing it with a “Medicare for all” system preferred by many in the left wing of the party,” appeared in a The New York Times, front page article on Saturday, June 27, 2020, “Economic Woes Increase Stakes for Obamacare.”

For more background information on the subject, please read post herein dated May 14, 2020 – AG Frey Files Amicus Brief in Defense of ACA Before the Supreme Court.