“Hello Loved Ones,
It seemed more appropriate to write these thoughts down before rather than after the vote tomorrow. The reason is that we are going to have more elections (yes, it might not seem that way but we will..) and this one isn’t going to make everything okay again. It wasn’t ok in the first place and it will take more than a flip in the House to re-set things. If anything, this is halftime and one team has had the ball almost the entire half and the defense is getting tired. This election is a chance to put some points on the board. This election might and should give the opposition some teeth. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time now with crusted bread.
We’d like to think that an ass-kicking in the mid-term would somehow puncture the balloon and provoke some kind of reduction of bile, vomit and venom from the pulpit. But we’ve all seen the duplicity and that bed has been made. We all already know the reasons that will be given for any reasons and we will know it won’t stop the Big Top from continuing to roll from town to town, underwritten by its own dedicated media coverage. Facts and experts in any aftermath will just perpetuate the current volley ball game of invective and division.
What we can hope for is the House flipping maybe enough of a coalition of members of both sides working in good faith to take on an issue or two before 2020.
I think his red hats will just have to get bored with him and go back to what ever they were doing for fun before that.
Hey, if anyone could be in that caravan (so says the Great Pumpkin), couldn’t Jesus be in it too?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………This guy is the ultimate impacted tooth. And he is an infection. Maybe tomorrow (election day) we get our first dose of penicillin.
Note: “J.” is the son of Sargent Major Alexander Fiore and Cristel Fiore. Mrs. Fiore is the author of “Child of War” – a book about living under Hitler, where she grew up. The book is available on Amazon. For more background information, please read post herein dated October 29, 2018.