By Carol McCracken (Post # 1,513)
September 5th, 2013 marks the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boxer and the Enterprise – a battle that took place off the coast of Monhegan during the War of 1812. Special events throughout the week – starting tomorrow – September 3rd have been planned by the Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress Street.
Kicking off the commeration tomorrow at the MHS between noon and 1 pm., are award winning historian George C. Daughan and Maine native Vice Admiral George W. Emery, US Navy (Retired). Both have written books on the subject: Daughan’s book is “1812: The Navy’s War.” He is a Portland resident. Just published this year by the Naval Historical Foundation is Emery’s book: “In Their Own Words: A New Look at the Naval War of 1812.” Emery lives in Kennebunkport. The talk will take place at the MHS Lecture Hall.
On Wednesday, September 4th, between 6 – 8 pm the War of 1812 Historians’ Roundtable will take place at MHS Lecture Hall. Included in the roundtable are four historian-authors who will discuss the causes and effects of the Battle David Hanna, author of “Knights of the Sea” moderates the panel. The panelists’ books will be on sale in the museum store and a book signing will follow the roundtable.
The final event in this commeration will be a graveside memorial service Honoring Capt. Burrows, Capt. Blyth and Lieut. Kevin Waters all buried at Eastern Cemetery. The location is Mountfort & Congress Streets at the bottom of Munjoy Hill on the East End of Portland. Speaking will be David Googins, Maine Historical Society Chairman, Colonel Andrew Gibson, Maine Army Natonal Guard Chaplain; David Hanna, Author; Ann LePage, First lady of Maine; Susie Kitchens, British Consulate General, Boston; Brigadier General James Campbell, Maine National Guard; Michael Brennan, Mayor of Portland; and Herb Adams, Historian. The Italian Heritage Center Concert Band and the Maine Army National Guard will perform and descendents of the captains will lay wreaths on their tombs.
An exhibit, “Thundered Over the Tide: 200th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boxer & the Enterprise will be on display at MHS from August 31 – October 25, 2013, 489 Congress Street.
For more, please email Jamie Rice at and Spirits for more information on the graveside commeration.