SCOOP: 118 Munjoy Hill Announces Two Tenants on Ground Floor

Ed Theriault, one of the partners in the development of 118 Munjoy Hill Condominiums.

Ed Theriault, one of the partners in the development of 118 Munjoy Hill Condominiums.

It Was Once A Prominent Home...

It Was Once A Prominent Home…

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,283)

Ed Theriault, one of the three partners in the luxury condominium, 118 Munjoy Hill, announced this afternoon the name of two tentative tenants for the ground floor of the 12-unit building on Munjoy Hill.

Gorham Savings Bank is slated to occupy one of the two spaces on the ground floor.  Owners of the building asked people in the area what they most wanted to see and a bank was at the top of the list according to Theriault.  The other business to occupy the ground floor  is Urban Design, an interior design business, owned by Tracy Davis.  Her business is currently located on Fore Street in the Old Port.  Theriault said to look for both businesses to relocate in a few months. Theriault’s architectural firm specialized in bank design so he particularly wanted to have a banking service in the location.

Previously the space was an architectural frim run by Therault. Prior to that it was a natural foods store that Whole Foods bought and closed down.

Theriault, who owned the architectural frim formerly located on the property, is a business partner of Chip Newell and Susan Morris.