Pack of Lifelike Wolves “Unpacked” on Portland Waterfront Yesterday!

Part of the Wolf Park Unveiled on the Portland Waterfront Yesterday.

Part of the Wolf Park Unveiled on the Portland Waterfront Yesterday, Near Ocean Gateway.

Penny Harris, Representing the Portland Public Art Committee and Bruce Brown, curator, Hill resident and Official at PhoPa, Washington Avenue.

Penny Harris, Representing the Portland Public Art Committee and Bruce Brown, curator, Hill resident and Official at PhoPa, Washington Avenue.

Another View of the Pack of Wolves on the Waterfront.

Another View of Some of the Pack of Seven Wolves on the Waterfront.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,381)

“They look so much better in person than they do in photographs,” said Ann Edwards, when she saw the pack of seven (7) wolves at an inveiling ceremony yesterday afternoon on the Portland waterfront.  “This is not to be missed!”

Edwards was one of a crowd of the curious and friends who showed up yesterday around  3:00 pm to see the exhibit, “Unpack”,  by artist Andy Rosen.  The  lifelike wolves will be in place until early November. They are made from foam, PVC’s and fake fur. Each weighs 30 lbs.   “I don’t know where they will be after that time,” said Rosen.  Hopefully not far away.

Rosen is an art teacher at the University of New England, Biddeford, and Southern Maine Community College, SoPo.

Shelley, his wife, an artist herself, said;   “It’s vital for him to create and build things.  He’s always built things.”