Deirdre McClure, is One of a Group of Volunteers Supporting Ukraine by Flying the Ukranian Flag Near the Corner of North Street and the Eastern Promenade on Munjoy Hill. The Location is Very Visible as it Overlooks 1-95. The Flag is Flown During Heavy Rush Hours – Morning and Late Afternoon. The Effort is the Brainchild of Ben and Victoria Bernard, of Cliff Island.
The establshment of Monument(al) Market in the Square starting on Thursday, May 19th this spring and running through the summer was announced this morning in a press release issued by Portland Downtown.
It’s an effort to program Monument Square and return vibrancy to one of our city’s most compelling plazas. Portland Downtown is teaming up with Monument Square businesses and property owners to recruit makers, artists and other vendors to offer their wares Thursdays throughout the spring and summer.
“This Monument(al) Market in the Square brings vibrancy to one of our premier locations in the city. It wil help local entrepreneurs while at the same time being an active space that will entice tourists and others. We hope folks will also buy lunch or snack at nearby restaurants and eat outside. We’re excited to continue to bring activity to our downtown,” said Cary Tyson, Executive Director of Portland Downtown.
Interested vendors can complete an application available at portlandmane.com/MonumentalMarket or contact Cary Tyson @ portlandmaine.com. Please contact Portland Downtown directly as this blogger has nothing at all to do with the application process.
Hi there Cary! Can you tell me the cost? Do you just show up and set up or are spaces assigned?
Feel free to promote this on the FB group
“I’m in line in Maine”
Thank you!
Hi Jennifer, Please read the last sentence of the post and complete an online application or contactd Cary Tyson@portlandmaine.com at Portland Downtown. Good luck. Carol
P.S. The munjoyhillnews.com has nothing to do with the process of participation in this event and need not be contacted for information. Carol, d/b/a munjoyhillnews.com