Tomasco’s Canteen to Open at Former Sangillo’s This Summer

Minervino's Popular Bar & Grill is Located on Forest Avenue

Minervino’s Popular Bar & Grill is Located on Forest Avenue

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,257)

Tomasco’s Canteen, a new venture by Sam Minervino, owner of Samuel’s Bar and Grill, is still in the preliminary stages of planning, but he hopes it will be open sometime this summer according to an email from Minervino.

Located on Hampshire Street on the East End of Portland, it will replace  Sangillo’s Tavern,  that lost  its license to operate earlier this year following a lengthy  appeals process.  It’s last day of operation was on February 14, 2015.  Yesterday Dana Sangillo, former owner of the pub, spent time clearing out furniture at the once popular Tavern.

Minervino, who has close ties to the India Street neighborhood said that the interior will remain about the same, unless he can come up with a better plan.  He will add a nice menu that can be served until 1:00 am.  He’s currently working with the city to determine what the zoning will permit.  “I plan on serving good food to all the people who work the evening shifts and give them a place with a nice atmosphere to unwind and enjoy adult beverages, too,” he wrote in an email.

When plans are more firm, he will apply to the city for a liquor license.  His daughter Meg is doing the staffing.