Homeless Removal Delayed Again Until Friday Morning Says City Spokeswoman


Adam, one of the Homeless LIving Behind Trader Joe’s, on the Bayside Trail, This Morning.  He has Lived on the Streets for About 8 Years Now.

A Notice Attached to the Tents by City Employees.

A Group of the Homeless at Bayside Trail behind Trader Joe’s Early This Morning, Discussing Their Options.

“We were told yesterday afternoon that the city will remove us from this spot on Friday morning,” said Adam, one of the homeless that has found a temporary home on the Bayside Trail behnd Trader Joe’s, 87 Marginal Way, Portland.  His comment came early this morning as the homeless were beginning to wake up and move around the encampment that has been home now for weeks.

One other homeless member of the encampment said that the city held a meeting  yesterday afternoon.  Following that meeting, the Portland Police Department informed them they will be removed from the encampment early Friday morning.  Some discussions were going on as to where they might go following their disbandment from the Bayside Trail.  One suggested a move to Deering Oakes Park.The group broke out into laughter.  Another said there is a rumor that there would be an encampment in front of the city hall on Congress Street.  ‘That wouldn’t do any good, because we’ve done it before,” he said.  “No one is leaving here,” said one woman.  “We are standing together on this.”

No one had any idea why the encampment removal keeps getting delays and no one is speculating.    “We delayed in order to allow more time for outreach to those who are there, so they can have time to find out other resources available to them,” emailed Jessica Grondin, city’s spokeswoman, to munjoyhillnews.com this morning.