An Oil Painting on Display at the Portland Public Library Several Years Ago Showing How the Supreme Court Split the American People in its Roe Decision. Will it Make a Similarly Unpopular Decision Resulting from the April 2024 Oral Arguments?
Late this afternoon the Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments in the Trump v. United States case during the week of April 22, 2024. In the case, Trump claims that he possesses “absolute” immunity from criminal prosecution for his involvement in the Janary 6 insurrection at the Capitol.
The decision came as a surprise to many legal experts as it had been presumed that the Supreme Court would not take the case and reverse a lower court decision. Many experts are surprised at this decision because it took the Supreme Court such a long time to make the decision – assuming that would mean the Court would not take the case up.
One legal expert said that the reason the Supreme Court took this case is that there must be Justices sitting on the bench who believe that Trump is immune from prosecurtion. This would delay Jack Smith’s federal case – a tactic freqnetly used by Trump to his advantage. The Supreme Court could delay the federal trial until afer the November election – eliminating the public’s right to know Trump’s guilt or innocence before the election. In other words, whether or not thete will be a verdict before the November election is of “deep worry” to Andrew Weissmann, a former attorney for the FBI.
One cable news pundit said: “If you have been concerned that the Supreme Court has been acting in a political manner, you can add this development to that thinking.”
‘DELAY IS A CHOICE,” Supreme Court.