Stop the Sweeps Rally: House Everyone Now! – Rally at City Hall on 9/15


A “Stop the Sweeps” is Set for Friday, Septeber 15, in front of POortland City Hall.

On Friday, September 15, 2023, there will be a rally in front of Portland City Hall to oppose the wave of inhumane sweeps that have occurred in Portland recently.  The rally runs from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. according to the Maine Democratic Socialist Party who is sponsoring the Rally this Friday afternoon.

Many members of the public have asked or expressed interest in what they can do  to support the homeless and work towad a more effectve solution.  Friday is an opportunity to stand in solidarity and let our elected officials know we want a better answer.  That we want them to dig deep and come up with long term solutions that include supportive services and a path forward to a solution to this crisis.