State Street Traditional Jazz Band’ Plays to Preserve Original Jazz Music


John Page, Leader and Co-Founder of the State Street Traditional Jazz Band on Exchange Street Today.

Peter Dunphy on the Banjo This Afternoon at Eight Exchange Street.

Sebastian Wickham, 1, Was the Youngest Fan of the Jazz Band This Afternoon.

Bill Rayhne, Barry Daniel Left to Right on a Warmish Day in the Old Port of Portland. In the Right Back, Barely Visible, is Tom Wilbur on the Tuba.

“We play to pay homage to the original Preservation Hall Jazz Band,” said John Page, leader and trumpet player, of the State Street Traditional Jazz Band, a local group of seven musicians.  This afternoon the State Street group entertained the street crowd for almost 2 hours in front of The Bar, 8 Exchange Street – playing  favorites from the 1920s like; When the Saints go Marchin’ in, Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’m Gone, You’re the Grand Old Flag, Baby Face, Sleepy Time Down South and many more.

When Page was in his early 20’s, he visited the Port of New Orleans.  He’d  just graduated from Maine Maritime Academy, as a cargo ship captain, and came to New Orleans in that capacity. As a long time trumpet player, Page heard the music of the famous Preservation Hall Jazz Band and fell in love with it according to his wife, Ann.

The Band is now 29 years old. There are still four of the original seven members playing in it.  They maintain a core group of seven players, and they don’t get any larger or smaller. When one member can’t make a date, they call on back-up players to fill in on the occasion.  Spencer Pope was playing by himself in the Old Port today.  “He’s really good,” said Page.  “So we asked him to join us today.  Hopefully he will again when we are in the Old Port.”

Sebastian Wickham, 1, was “mesmerized” by the music his mom Maryanne said.  “He loves music.  His father plays the piano and Sebastian mimics him.”  When he’s fussy, she turns on music and that calms him down,” she said.  “I think we have a musician here.  His father certainly hopes so.”

“When I see the little kids engage in music, it gives me hope that this music will live on.  Everytime we see little ones like Sebastian. it’s good.” said John Page.  The Band will continue to play in the Old Port every Sunday afternoon as long as the temperature stays in the 70 degree temperature range.  They will be cutting their third CD in Brunswick next week.

The Band can be booked for private events as well.  Call 737-2839.

3 thoughts on “State Street Traditional Jazz Band’ Plays to Preserve Original Jazz Music

  1. Awesome! Long live jazz and long live Sebastian! Sebastian’s great uncle Robert Hanson (my brother), a jazz aficionado if there ever was one, would agree.

  2. What a wonderful article about the State Street Traditional Jazz Band. Thank you for capturing the essence of what this band does. I always say ages 8 to 80 love this band but now that we have Sebastian (age 1) as a new fan I will have to modify that!
    Ann Page

    • Thanks Ann! My pleasure for sure. I loved the music and that Sebastian certainly is a cutey! Carol

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