Just after noon today a wing of the large Loring family watched as the Irish flag was raised at the Loring Memorial Circle at the corner of North Street and the Eastern Promenade on Munjoy HIll. Earlier in the day, at 11:00 am. a similar Irish flag raising ceremony occurred at the Portland Observatory on Congress Street. It was also attended by members of the Loring family. Both events were part of the two day celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day happening all over Portland.
On St. Patrick’s Day itself a polar plunge will happen at the East End Beach on the Hill. That event happens at 5:30 am and is sponsored by RiRa Irish Pub, 72 Commercial Street. It’s to benefit Portland Firefighters Burn Victims.
The annual Irish American Club parade begins tomorrow at noon at the Portland Fish Pier parking lot. Participants are to gather in the same location at 11;00 am . Costumes with Irish bling and lots of green are strongly encourged for the parade and for parade watchers as well. Bicycles are not welcome, however, to participate in the parade.
Following the hour long Parade, there will be an Open House for all at the Maine Irish Heritage Center, 34 Gray Street, Portland. That starts at 1:00 pm. There will be an afternoon of live music, great food, family fun and a cash bar.
Dressed in green from head to toe for St. Patrick’s Day were Karen and Jim Kelley, from Raleigh, North Carolina. The two who have visited Portland previously said they were here looking for some snow. They were disappointed not to find any. Both Republicans, Jim said he had voted for Trump in the past. But he would not vote forTrump this November. “I like his policies, but I don’t llke what comes out of his mouth,” Jim said.
This blogger doesn’t like either Trump;s policies or what comes out of his beyond obnoxious mouth/,