Sixteen Apply for Bayside Trail Public Seating Contract; Deadline Today – Dedication June 4, 2011


Hill resident, Jim Lobley, of the Finance Department

By Carol McCracken (Post # 567)

Sixteen proposals were received this afternoon at city hall for the $42,500 commission offered by the city for the successful application for public seating on the Bayside Trail. The RFP was issued in early July by the Portland Public Art Committee (“PPAC”).

Jim Lobley, of the city’s finance department, said the next several days will be spent going over the sixteen proposals to be certain each conforms to the requirements laid out in the RFP. When that is finished, the conforming proposals will be posted on the city’s website. It appeared that less than l/3 of the proposals were from the Portland area. Lobley said he received 72 requests for the proposal package, many of the requests coming from California.

Two of the RFP goals are to “enhance the Bayside Trail with high-quality, appealing, durable, public seating that enchances the trail experience and create objects of art that function as public seating. The 13 page RFP says the public seating must be built to last at least 25 years and that the $42,500 commission (or “budget”) covers all costs including design fee, cost of materials and fabrication, engineering, insurance, shipping and installation of the work itself.

Some of the timelines established by the RFP calls for notification of artist/designer selection in October; installlation in May of 2011 and a public ceremony on June 4, 2011 which is also National Trails Day.

Please see Post # 550 posted herein, dated August 18th for more information.