The Maine Marine Patrol is continuing a targeted search today for lobsterman Tylar Michaud, 18, of Steuben, who has been missing since Friday, July 21st. Today’s search involves the Maine State Police Dive Team, Maine Warden Service, Maine Patrol vessels and airplane along with additional support from the Army National Guard and member of the Air National Guard using personal aircraft. The search, which has been on-going since last Friday has also involved many members of the local community and fishermen. Today’s search is focusing on the waters near Petit Manan Island according to a press release issued by the Maine DMR News this morning.
Michaud was plannng to attend Maine Maritine Academy.
The Department of Marine Resurces will only issue press releases going forward if there is new information to report. That may not be every day according to Jeff Nichols, Director of Communications, for the Department of Marine Resources.