The Portland Observatory on Munjoy Hill
The Spirits Alive Lecture Series continues this Saturday, February 27 at 10 am at the Maine Historical Society at 489 Congress Street, Portland. The topic is: Privatering on Casco Bay. Author James L. Nelson will talk about privateers – armed private ships licensed to attack enemy shipping – in New England. Nelson is the authoor of “George Washington’s Secret Navy” and other books.
On Saturday, March 27, Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., Director of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission will present a slide lecture on the history of Munjoy Hill. His topic is: The Historical Development of Munjoy Hill. Also at 10 AM at the Maine Historical Soceity , 489 Congress Street.
Both lectures are free. For more information, please visit www.spiritsalive.org. Spirits Alive is a three year old non-profit dedicated to the protection and preservation of Portland’s historic Eastern Cemetery through a range of activities including promotion and education. Memberships are available.