Lincoln Park Will be the Site of a Series of Speakers on Thursday, April 25 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Located at the corner of Congress and Pearl Streets, the 2-acre Park was Established as a Firebreak Following the Great Fire of 1866.

Lincoln Park is Currently Undergoing Restoration Efforts led by Portland Playright & Former Hollywood Actor Frank E. Reilly Organizer of the Friends of Lincoln Park. Courthouses are in the Backgroud. Lincoln Park is Often Used as a Starting Point for Rallies that Continue on to City Hall. (Please visit post Herein Dated June 1, 2019)
You are encouraged to celebrate National Crime Victim’s Rights Week starting on Sunday, April 21 – Saturday, April 27th.
In conjunction with this celebration, the Portland Police Department is commemorating this important awareness week by co-hosting a community event in Lincoln Park on Thursday, April 25 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. At noon there will be a group of speakers including DA Jaacqueline Sartoris, Deputy DA Angela Cannon, Portland Police Chief Mark Dubois, Director of Victim Services for the State of Maine Cara Cookson and more. The public is encouraged to attend this event and learn how to help survivors.
In 2022, there were nearly 20 million crime victimizations in the United States. More than 6.6 million were the result of violent crimes, including rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and simple assaults. Of that 6.6 million, only about 42% were reported to Police.
This year’s National Crime Victim’s Right’s Week theme is: “How Would you Help? Options, services and hope for crime survivors.” A safe environment in which victims and survivors feel safe talking about what happened to them must be created. The theme aims to ensue that everyone in a community knows where and how crime victims and survivors can find help.